Penang Island Hotels

Segara Ninda

Segara Ninda, Penang Island HotelsStrategically located in the heart of Penang Island city, Segara Ninda the residence of Ku Din Ku Meh is just minutes away from public transport, historical landmarks, cultural centers and food outlets. Shopping venues such as Penang’s shopping malls and quaint shops are accessible from the bungalow. It is also walking distance to Penang’s business district and government district.

This house offers a place for people who appreciate history and heritage, and at the same time who want security, coziness and privacy. It has 14 comfortable rooms of reasonable sizes with en-suite bathrooms and external individual bathrooms. It also boasts of a verandah that looks out into Penang Road and a nice compound with sweet smelling flowering trees. The rooms are all equipped with fans and air-conditioned units to give one a choice of fresh air or cool comfort. Lodgers for both short and long stay are welcome. It is ideal for those seeking all year round summer holiday.

Segara Ninda offers a beautiful setting for a family reunion and a gathering of friends. Its compound is perfect for holding a barbecue or a small “kenduri” or a reception. Segara Ninda which is on the Penang’s heritage trail now displays things of historical significance particularly for history lovers. It is also an outlet for crafts and products of culture.

Address :
Segara Ninda
Residence of Ku Din Ku Meh
20 Penang Road
10000 Penang

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